>Video installation 2016
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RIOT est une confrontation,
RIOT est une situation de tension,
RIOT est l’espace entre deux camps.
Dans un contexte international et infranational dans lequel les tensions entre Etats et populations se font de plus en plus vives, RIOT propose, de manière simple et ludique « un état de fait », un regard sur notre société occidentale dans laquelle les rapports de forces entre la classe dominante et le peuple sont exacerbés.
RIOT is a confrontation,
RIOT is a situation of tension,
RIOT is the space between two camps.
In an international and sub-national context in which tensions between states and populations are increasingly intense, RIOT proposes “a state of fact”, a look at our Western society in which the relations of forces between the ruling class and the people are exacerbated.
Concept, films, technical system, programmation, set, sound, light design by SUPERAMAS
Produced by: Superamas
Co-producer: Région Hauts-de-France.
Supported by: Maison de la Culture d'Amiens France, Amiens Métropole France, City of Vienna Austria.
Thanks to the below mentioned for their support: Le Collectifs des Désobéïssants France et "Michel" Major de police, France, Pierre Gufflet, Luc moreau.
General contact: caro@superamas.com